Big Sur Coastline

Big Sur
Recent Big Sur Trip to the New Camaldoni Hermitag | Slideshow

Point Lobos State Reserve, Carmel, CA - September 24, 2015 | Slideshow

Big Sur

Big Sur May 20, 2012 | Slideshow

Big Sur on the road

Big Sur - December 22, 2009

Esalen Institute - Organic Garden on the Big Sur Coast - December 22, 2009

Big Sur looking toward the light house

Drive From San Francisco along the coast through Big Sur, Steamer Lane - June 15, 2008

Wave at Big Sur Lighthouse

Big Sur lighthouse
Point Sur Lighthouse - October 9, 2007

Big Sur

Big Sur - Hwy 1, Monterey County, Nepenthe
View from Nepenthe Restaurant

Big Sur Highway 1- October 9, 2007 - Pacific Coast Highway, Point Sur Lighthouse, Piedras Blancas elephant seal rookery

Big Sur 2006

Related Links

Monterey and California Audubon Asilomar Conference - October 2007 - Native Dune Plants

Santa Barbara to Monterey, through the Salinas Valley - October 2007 - agriculture, vineyards and farming activity, oil pumps

Photos from Audubon California State Assembly Trip March 19-21, 2006 at Asilomar

Audubon California Asilomar Trip Comments (2006)

Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Rule to Determine Five Plants and a Lizard from Monterey County, California, as Endangered or Threatened (Interesting information about the plants in the area.)

Interests of Callie | Birds | Surfing | Santa Barbara Farmers' Market, Gardening and Farming | Snowy Plovers | Trips and Places

Callie's e-mail: [email protected]