Goleta Gap Fire

Goleta Mountains new growth
Goleta Mountains with new growth after the Gap Fire - March 28, 2009

After the fire, Goleta Mountains
November 2008, After the fire, Goleta Mountains, some dry looking mountains with little growth on them

Hydromulch sprayed on Goleta Mountains
Hydromuch is being sprayed on the Gap Fire burn areas in the hopes of minimizing erosion. September 27, 2008

"Hydromulch is a wet mixture that consists of 40 percent shredded wood and 60 percent paper with a guar gum-based tackifier that is used in ice cream as a thickener. Guar is a sticky substance that helps the mulch material cling to hillsides and steep slopes. A green dye is added to the mulch to make it easier for helicopter and airplane pilots to see what parts of the hillside have been covered and it is then sprayed on to build up a coating that resists erosion, helps trap moisture, and creates an environment in which native seeds and roots can sprout. This allows time for the new vegetation to take over its natural role in stabilizing the soil." (Ray Ford Santa Barbara Independent)

Cris Sandoval a biologist who was hiking up by Lizard mouth, this November, reports that the mulch has a lot of plastic in it.

Goleta Gap Fire atermath

Goleta Gap Fire Aftermath - August 10, 2008

These shots were taken from my car while John was driving. The days when the mountains are clear and I am organized with my camera have been few. The feeling is one of looking at a loved one that has been in a terrible accident, you are not too sure you want to see it. The haze and fog is like seeing them from the distance or with a bandage on. Then on a clear day the scars and wounds are visible. Ouch, but I guess this is all part of how these plants have adapted over time and in the long run they will grow better. But I still don't feel like I've made my peace with it. It feels so much like the aftermath of a war or a terrible accident.

Gap File July 4, 2008 2:30am

Goleta Gap Fire - July 4, 2008, early (2:30am) morning shots taken above the Santa Barbara Airport

Goleta Gap Fire - July 2008

Gap Fire in Goleta, Santa Barbara County - Shot from Goleta area, Ocean Meadows Golf Course - July 2 and 3, 2008

"The Gap Fire started at approximately 5:45p.m. on July 1 in the West Camino Cielo area, 4 miles west of State Highway 154 in Los Padres National Forest. The fire is continuing to burn steadily downslope from the top of the ridge and has consumed an estimated 260 acres. The fire is burning in heavy chaparral fuels (15-20 feet tall), in extremely steep and rocky terrain. Winds out of the north (slight "sundowner" winds) last night pushed the fire downslope to the south at a moderate rate of spread. During the early hours of the fire, spotting occurred ahead of the fire and flame lengths of 10-30 feet were reported." - InciWeb.org (July 3, 2008)

Saturday, July 5, 2008, 8:00 p.m. - 8,694 acres have burned

Ray Ford's early morning shots from the firelines, July 2, 2008

The Ecology of Fire ready to burn again? - Independent article by Ray Ford

View from Campus Point, UCSB, Goleta
View of the Santa Barbara Mountains from the Goleta Area - April, 5, 2006
This is what the mountains look like when the chaparral has not been burned off.

Santa Barbara County Mountains and Trails

Interests of Callie | Birds | Surfing | Santa Barbara Farmers' Market, Gardening and Farming | Snowy Plovers | Trips and Places

Callie's e-mail: cjbowdish@hotmail.com