Devereux Slough - Coal Oil Point Reserve, October 17, 2009
Elegant or Common Terns, Cormorants, Egrets and Brown Pelicans fishing
Elegant Terns at Devereux Slough Mouth - July 19, 2008
Lynn Watson's slidshow: Devereux Slough, August 2007 and blog Devereux, Aug 12, 2007
(Young Tree Swallow, Banded Plover, Least Terns and a diverse assortment of birds at the slough)
The hand off - Least Terns have brought their fledglings to COPR and are feeding them and teaching them to fish. They are fun to watch and hear as they fish in the slough and the ocean. COPR had a number of pairs nest here this year but because of skunk problems only two chicks hatched here. Having the Terns from other locations bring there fledglings here is a consolation.
COPR - Sands, August 2007, Least Terns feeding and other shorebird
Caspian tern Sterna caspia - Goleta Slough June 17, 2007
anybody know the name of this fish?
Least Terns Sterna antillarum at Coal Oil Point Reserve - June 17, 2007 They are nesting and courting. (note band on right leg).
Eight Least Terns were counted this day. Last years 7 Least Tern chicks fledged at COPR.
There are a wonderful assortment of birds at Sands Beach - Coal Oil Point Reserve lately - August 2, 2006 slideshow of Terns at differnt ages
Least Tern Chicks Sterna antillarum at Coal Oil Point Reserve - July 1, 2006
This is the first Least Tern nest reported hatching at the reserve in at least 4 decades. The Coal Oil Point Reserve is part of the University of California Natural Reserve System and it protects natural areas for research and education. Since 2001, the reserve has worked on a beach protection program to restore the wildlife on the beach and the estuary of the Devereux Slough. The increased protection includes symbolic fencing, signs, weed removal, a docent program, and prohibition of some activities such as unleashed dogs, bonfires, launching of sailing sports, and fireworks. (Chris Sandavol, COPR director)
July 4th pictures from Jim Greeves and Lark Chadwick
Elegant Terns and Heerman's Gulls at Sands Beach July 2006
Terns at COPR, April 17 - 23, 2005
Elegant and Caspian Terns at Devereux Slough and Sands Beach, Mating and flying, Sterna elegans, Sterna hiurndo, banded Terns
April 14, 2005
Terns at Coal Oil Point Reserve, UCSB Santa Barbara, CA - April 14, 2005
Laridae,Terns, Immature, breeding plumage, identification, Sterna maxima vs Sterna elegans, Bonapart's Gull, Forester's, Banded Terns
Least Terns Mating at Coal Oil Point, Summer 2004 (click Quick Time controls to play again)
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