Bird Pictures Mostly from Devereux Slough, Goleta Slough, Coal Oil Point
and Sands Beach in Santa Barbara County

Birds 2007

Mute Swan at UCSB Lagoon
Mute Swan at UCSB Lagoon - December 1, 2007

Bird shots from Goleta Area - December 2007

Diving Pelicans
Diving Pelicans off of Devereux Point - Goleta Area, December 20, 2007

American Wigeon
American Wigeon - Devereux Slough, December 22, 2007

Coal Oil Point Reserve - December 2007
Winter storm, piles of kelp, ducks, Eurasian Wigeon, Diving Pelicans

Northern Pygmy-Owl
Figueroa Mountain, Northern Pygmy-Owl, December 15, 2007

Figueroa Mountain - December 15, 2007

Yellow-billed magpie Pica nuttalli, Fox sparrow Passerella iliaca, Pygmy Nuthatch Sitta pygmaea, Mountain chickadee Poecile gambeli, and Northern Pygmy-Owl Glaucidium gnoma.

September thru November 2007

June 2nd thru August 2007

March thru June 2, 2007

Birds January 13 thru March 10, 2007

(Northern Shoveler, Canada Goose, Great Egret, Great Blue Heron, Black Skimmer, Willet - Goleta Slough, Devereux Slough, East Beach, Santa Barbara

Birds January and February 2007

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